Zippers, Clocks, and Cars

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

First, the current thing on my mind (again) is: Zippers. I recently bought a zip-up sweatshirt (the night of the cop incident).. I love that sort of zipper. But, I hate the zipper on pants. I just hurt myself bringing the zipper DOWN. I must have zipped my pubic hair on the way up, and it didnt bother me until it got even more tangled in the zipper. After much pain, and ripping part of my pubic hair (and skin) off, I decided to get scissors to get the rest.. so now there is pubic hair stuck in my zipper. I still won't exactly shave my crotch.

My car got registered today.. yippee. I also went back to Super K-Mart just now (with, funnily enough, the same three guys as the other night AND after going to Denny's.. just like the other night.. funny eh?) and bought an alarm clock. The gimic? Nature sounds. I wanted a fucking thermometer, but I really) need an alarm clock.. so perhaps I'll get a travel one with a thermometer.

Anyway, I just through I would post.. and here is a photo I found on my hard drive.

Yea, yea yea.
Now that's a party!
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