Fucking Cops

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy
Missing image: /pics/stop_police_brutality.gif

Today is Sunday, and I needed to get out and do something social since I've been working all weekend. So, at around 10:00pm I went to Wilson's, picked him up, and then went to Caniprokis' work where he was finishing up (he works for a gas station). Calliander met us there, and when Devlin was done we went to Denny's for some food. (Note to MC: Wilson actually ate a whole burger!)

I then decided I needed an alarm clock, so we went to the Super K-Mart, the only place really open after midnight. I ended up NOT buying an alarm clock sine they all sucked, but I DID buy a football (never owned one before), a frisbee, some socks, and a zip-up/down sweatshirt.

So we were driving back home really when we drove by this huge sports complex.. basically just a bunch of fields for sport. Calliander had never been in there, and I figured what better place to toss the frisbee.. even in the parking lot. Past experience has shown that if we go to the park at 1am to play frisbee, we get kicked out by the cops. Caniprokis kept on saying its NOT a good idea to play there because the cops in that particular town are super-dicks.

So, everyone decided not to stay, so I didn't stop.. I just turned around and started leaving. This is when Officer Manor (or something like that) who is driving the opposite way puts on his lights. I stop, he comes to the window and is like "So, what are you doing out here?". I said that we were just leaving, I just was showing Calliander (I used his real name) what the place was because he had never seen it before (which was true.. that was the primary reason I ended up going down there). He made some stupid comment like "Can't you do that during the day?" and then asked for all of our IDs and the car registration. He took our IDs, requested processing on them. After a few minutes later he came back and told me to step out of the car, with the reason that we were trespassing (no signs to prove this) and my vehicle registration had expired (I havent had the car for a year). I got out, and then he barked at me to put my hands on the car and asked "Have you got anything on you I should know about?". At that point he started to frisk me, touching my balls and ass, then going through my pockets. I had said no to his question, when he pulled out my swiss army knife and he said "This is something!" (exactly that). He put it on the roof and told me to stand in front of the car..

He searched all of us and we all ended up standing in front of the car.. it was fucking cold out too and I was in shorts. While he was searching us, the lady on the radio reported that we all had clean records and no warrants. At this point, another cop arrived in a car.. they both proceeded to search my car. Midway he asked "Is there something in here I should know about?" or something like that, and I said "Like what?" (legitimate question.. its a stupid question to ask if he expects me to say drugs or guns.. he should ask "Do you have any drugs, guns, alcohol, or a dead hooker in the car?"). I then asked why he was searching the car, and he said "You're trespassing, if you don't want me to search the car, I will arrest you and then search the car".

I more or less shut up, hoping he didnt find the drugs and alcohol in the car. They went through everything in the cabin area.. opening up everything. He pulled out all of these old parking garage tickets (you know, when you enter.. you can take a ticket and either have it validated or use a card to get out..) and asked me who's they were.. I said they were mine I guess, and I then had to explain why I had them.. he kept on trying to make me repeat the story and changing things to make it like I'm lying.. he then said that I had committed larceny.

They didn't find anything in the cabin, they did root through my bottle of Advil and the other bottle of Ibuprofen. They didn't end up going through the trunk, but they had no right to search in the first place.

Then he asks what towing company I want and called the tow truck. He then gave me a $78 ticket with the instructions that if I don't want to pay it I should plead not guilty, and register the car.. when I go to court I just show that it was registered and they let me go without a fine he said.

I ended up having the tow truck take the vehicle to the place where Devlin works and I then took Devlin's car to pick up the other three guys who had to stay behind at a nearby gas station. It sucked.. I had to pay $100 to have the car towed, which was a bit cheaper than their listed rates.. but whatever, it still fucking blows.

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