Your Co-Worker is a Fucking Retard…

In category:Entertainment
Post by:LioConvoy

But most of his observations are correct. Bale is amazing but yes, his Batman voice is fucking retarded. As I stated before, Two-Face's about face is probably the weakest point of the film, but there was pressure from the studio to keep the film under three hours. What was not well set up was that Dent was not as stable as he appeared before the accident, and that trauma is what tipped him over. Plus, with a dead fiance and my face burned off, well, I know I've done some pretty crazy shit when under far less duress.

Heath Ledger just solid? Did your friend have his brains splattered across the highway shortly before attending the movie? I'm not one of those "he's dead so he's such a better actor" people. I thought his understated performance in Brokeback Mountain was pretty good. I thought "The Order" was a highly underrated film which utilized a mythological creature actually hasn't been done a million times by Hollywood. But other than that I despised most of his body of work. His vignettes in "I'm Not There" were the most irritating thing about that movie, and don't even get me started on "A Knight's Tale". But I measure an actor's worth by their ability to disappear into a character. Most of Hollywood's greatest "actors" don't have this ability. Christopher Walken, Robert Deniro, Al Pacino... All Oscar winners, all with the complete inability to play anyone but themselves in some different situation. Christopher Walken plays a fallen angel. Robert Deniro plays Eddie Murphy's straight man sidekick. Al Pacino is the Devil. I don't know what that was on that screen, but it was not Heath Ledger. This is a quality that Gary Oldman possesses in spades as well.

Why if I agree with most of the points raised here, do I have such a problem with it? I'll tell you why...

His critique of this movie reads like a Calliander review of any movie that gets a lot of hype. You must get along with this co-worker extremely well. He basically latched on to the one problem every review on the entire internet already pointed out, then found the three most superficial irritants he could think of, and then came up with one wild ass statement so that he could be considered different from everyone else who saw the movie.

In summation, your friend can sit and spin... I'm gonna go see The Dark Knight again...

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