You White Bastards...

In category:People
Post by:LioConvoy

Shut up. Mike I don't want to hear about your gook hatred, even if you were crippled by them. As one of the only African Americans to serve with the V.C., I take offense to your comments. Those Viet Cong boys were some of the finest ever to serve.

It all started in 1967. After flunking out of Clown College, the man drafted me into the service. Only problem was the plane lost engine power over Hanoi... We crash landed in the bush. Everyone was dead accept for me... I was blinded. That's when an old Japanese man, don't ask me what he was doing in Vietnam, and he taught me the art of blind fighting, and iajutsu, an ancient sword martial art. After that I was found by the V.C. They took me in, gave me food and shelter... and it was good. Sundays were my favorite while living amongst the Viet Cong, we'd have brunch and tea, while picking off crackers like you honkies. They were happy times.

Until one day we came up against Caniprokis. Yeah, he killed 39 of my men sure... but did he bother to tell you the whole story? One day Caniprokis strayed from his platoon to take a leak and got stranded. My men tried to help him but he started machine gunning us all down. He indeed machine gunned down 27 of my men, and then killed the other twelve with his bare hands. Sounds impressive right? Wrong, most of my men were parapelegic 5 year olds armed with sticks! Way to be a macho American... BABY KILLER!

It was down to the two of us. I looked Caniprokis in the eye. He looked me in the eye. He made a lunge at me and I kicked him square in the nuts, then side stepped and gave him a wedgie. That being done i threw him to the ground where he lie face down in the mud with a case of cloth burn on his as crack. Score one for Charlie!

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