In category:News
Post by:Peps

People like Bush, and the administrators of the US military that allow spy planes to cruise the borders of China, knowing that they will be escorted by fighter jets, and knowing also that those jets are flown by pilots who tend to fly in an erratic manner, which may be dangerous to thier spy planes, yet order them to be there any way, are DUMB. These administrators act chidishly, they acted legally, but taunting China by flying just along the borders is still malicious. If the US really wanted to avoid a conflict, it could have done so when it first recognized the threat of having these fighter planes in such close proximity to our nation's spy planes. The US created the situation, so we can't whine about now. Our military was asking for this to happen.

Some of you on this site sound like conservative dumbasses talking about "whiny liberals" and such. Every one here seems to agree that the US is the most powerful nation in the world, yet you are concerned that the US will look weak if it apologizes. What a fucking crock. Its not looking strong that makes us strong, its being strong that makes us strong.

Now stop your pseudo-conservative bullshit. No one here is anti liberal, because I have seen you all smoke up while watching violent and or pornographic films and talking about how you much you love a women's right to have an abortion. You all LOVE abortion. A lot.

And if there was ever a draft I would be conscripted in a second (if I wasn't in Ecuador. So what if war is different now from what it was years ago. Many of you would shit yourselves if you had to kill someone anyway, and few people here have the discipline to deal with bootcamp.

But the news report that I just saw said that the situation has ended anyway. I guess the Chinese are done looking over the equiptment, so the troops are coming home, if the report is true. But any way, you all sound like a bunch of 75 year old men who fought in Korea or something. Its silly. Pappy is the only one here anywhere near 75. By the dog! I'm only in my fifties. You crazy gringos.

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