You are no potatoe

In category:Education
Post by:Pappy

I just realized there is no school/education category on insult... gotta fix that.

I have an exam in a little over 3 hours. Last week, Wilson and I decided we were going to study for it several days before... instead of the usual go-to-the-bluewall-and-study-for-the-three-hours-before-the-exam. Well... I did sorta start on things yesterday, but still, I am not really studying yet. I am an idiot.

I don't know why I always do this.. I never prepare for things in advance, and since I always manage to get the grade I want, I never learn. Well, this semester might be different since my grade in physics is questionable. It's not that its hard, so I can't use that as an excuse. It's really easy in fact.. It's just memorizing the right formula for the problem.. simple as that. A monkey can do physics if he is told the right formula and could use a calculator... at least.. I can.

Also, I want to say I don't like this weather. It's fucking cold.

I am starting to feel like an adult now.. it's weird. Until I turned 21, I really felt like I was still not an adult. I looked in the mirror recently and realized that maybe I am looking like one of those guys that is in his early 20s.. I mean.. I am in my early 20s, but still.

The other thing is, I love it when people act surprised when I tell them I am CS. I also feel some sense of.. well.. I don't know.. relief.. when a girl sits down next to me in the CS lab. Generally, there is a distance rule. You sit as far away from others as you can.. so if there are two people in here, you sit at opposite ends. The more people that come in, you still keep distance. You always try to keep at least one workstation between you and the other smelly CS student. The only reason I am pleased that a girl sits down next to me is that girls generally a) don't smell bad and b) have boobs. It's mostly the relief that I am not seen as a dirty CS major. Or maybe they think I'll do their homework for them..

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