You and Me Are Going to War

In category:Insult
Post by:Calliander

Why don't you just delete everybody except the original authors then? If you can't stand their posts that much, fuck them. Instead of veiling your being a cock about it by having "quality ratings" and stupid rules, get rid of the offenders. If you'd done that in the beginning and left posting priveleges to yourself, Wilson, Stone, Preacherman, and FlyingTim you wouldn't have to institute these new rules. You shouldn't have to feel you owe anyone posting priveleges, man. Just because Syn asked for it, you didn't have to grant it. I'm not singling you out, Syn, but apparently your posts are catching flak amongst the group. Just because hunch did, same thing. And anyone else you've given access to whom you regret doing so. You can't be nice and elitist at the same time. Some of you other posters, and I'm not trying to insult you as people, are not good at it.

Now, let me give you a personal, honest opinion here. I've given a few really dumb posts myself, but it's so boring to come here and see Pappy or Stone post a few sentences (and that's what they are) about what's going on in their lives. I don't want to hear that stuff, at least not like that. I love how FlyingTim puts it because he adds substance to it - he makes it really interesting to read. "Just finished up a paper, very silly thing, about gender issues in Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast (yup). Relatively painless, didn't waste all that much time doing it, rather happy with how it turned out. Mind-numbingly stupid, that's all. I like staying up all night. I like seeing dawn, the quiet-osity." That isn't interesting. I'm sorry, Stone, and I'm not trying to say you're a moron, but there's nothing to that. And maybe that's what this site is for. If that's the case, I'll leave anyway, because (as I've even said in a recent rant of mine) if I want a fucking progress update, I'll ask you for it! That's what e-mail, ICQ and AIM are for!. And I'll swear if I want to. I can toss cock fag suck it stick it down your throat motherfucker boobies vagina cockholder penis cave slut bitch whore whatever around whenever I want, however I want, to whomever I fucking want. And that's a lot more interesting to me than Pappy's "Bleh, I don't care" post a few days back.

So maybe I misunderstood the site. I thought this was a place to come and yell and scream. I thought we were supposed to come here and rant, insult people, and act like the small children we can't be in real life. I've never come here to listen to Peps or SpoDudeZ0r give their dissertations on religion, but it was part of a juvenile conversation we were having because of something I posted to get a rile out of those supposed right-wing assholes who read the site, so I said, "Fuck it!" and didn't care. I've always used the site to say dumb things about dumb people who come into my gas station, or idiot conservatives who write asinine articles about Jesse Jackson, or the fucking price of a clam strip dinner at the Chowder Pot. If that's crap you don't want to see, then fine.

And Pappy, I'm really livid about you deleting my picture. I wouldn't care if you'd just lowered the quality rating on it, but you deleted the file. That's wrong, dude. If Lio Convoy decided, all of a sudden, to begin calling me "Frenchie" at the bottom of his posts or something, or put up a picture of some mime in a beret, you wouldn't see me telling you, "Oh, sob sob, delete his post, it's offensive to me..." And you know being called that bothers me as much as "Surprise, Carl, you're old!" bothers you. I'd probably punch Lio the next time I saw him were he to do this. You should do the same. Hell, punch me next time you see me for posting the picture. But don't delete it.

I'm probably going to end up sticking by my last post, depending on what exactly you view this site as. But I really don't like the fact that the ratings will be cumulative and applied to all of my new posts. That's bullshit. And I know it'll filter out the riff-raff, but sometimes, I want to post a one-line response to a hilarious picture. And I don't want my posts to suffer because of that. But once you put that reply feature in, things might change! Who knows. Fuck, shit, snot, and pussy. Thank you, goodnight. God bless America. Goodnight. Stick it down your throat and suck it suck it suck it. All of you.

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