Yeah, you're right...

In category:Life
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

I suppose Lio, that you're right. As much that's changed in me since we graduated from our wonderful high school, a bit of the old Gatekeeper still resurfaces every now and then during times of stress. And especially during finals, as I'm sure you understand. ;) But, I didn't take anything acree said as an insult to my manhood. I just didn't appreciate being quoted on something I probably didn't say. Besides, we were talking about Mullitor and how much he's getting. I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not getting any, and I've never got any, and I probably never will get any. So, uh, there. :) But, Lio, I appreciate you being up front with me, as you've always been. And as far as MT goes, I don't know WHY any of you would believe the lies that spewed forth from that fucking loser's mouth. But, and I'll eat a bit of humble pie here, I should have listened to all of you about being his friend in the first place. If I've ever seen a waste of all our oxygen, it's definitely him.

Oh! And remember at the prom when we were dueling Yannis? Heh. We should do that again sometime...if we ever grow our hair back. And, if you don't totally hate me for some reason, we should hang out with all the guys sometime over the winter break. I think it'd be cool to catch up at least once before the 5 year reunion. And acree, I apologize for my initial outburst. Usually, I only say certain things in order to get a rise out of people, and generally, I succeed at that here. But, really, you're entitled to all your opinions (as we all are) and I do respect them. So don't take too much offense to me. ;)

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