
In category:Work
Post by:Caniprokis

So i have this office job. i go to work sit in a cube anwser the phone and have some other office duties that i wont really get into. now ive been at this place for about 9 months. i pretty much hate the place, not because customer service fucking sucks (never ever ever ever take a customer service job if you like your life) i mean its better than digging holes or framing houses ni the winter and pays better and i have benifits but.... this fucking place drains all life from people. it makes you compcent, it makes you feel like ill just sit right here and keep getting paid and this will be fine.

when i fist started i wore very nice cloths and shoes and shaved every day and made sure my apearance was the nices i could make it. soon i found that i was not just going to be a cs rep but also i was going to be the running bitch in the office, which i dident mind since it got me out of the cube of hate i live in, but i started interacting with the factory and getting boxes and clibling pallets all of this to hopefully advance my way out of cs. figubug going above and beyond would make that an easy transistion. nono how wrong i was. all it got me was alot more work for the same pay and no chance of advancement in a company that has some of the most severe ceilings in movement i have ever seen.

so i started an experiment, how far could i go before i got spoken to. i dident care about what, my appearance, my work, my attitude anything at all. i started going to work in jeans and sneakers, noone has said anything about this to date 5 months now. i dont do work i dont want to do nothing has ever been said about this, i have even just thrown people folders away because they pissed me off, nothing has ever cme back to me. ive had meeting and told the bosses that i think this place is bullshit, that my manager is a hack that our proceadures are the kind of garbage that belongs deep in space and that i could give a shit about the customers. and what has all this gotton me. MORE FUCKING WORK. not disaplinary action that i so craved but just the oposit more respociblitly and people coming to me for anwsers and desisions.

all i wanted really was to get fired so i could collect unemployment for a little while fuck off and play music. instead im a god damned soot after commidity in my department.....fuck.

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