Word up!

In category:Work
Post by:LioConvoy

I hear that, Caniprokis... I hate soccer moms. All day I deal with these twats who buy Blackberrys because all their other twat soccer mom friends have them. Then when they can't figure out how to use them because their last phone was a pair of tin cans and some string, they call us up and scream at us like we're the assholes! These douche bags generally purchase these phones because they they have a full keyboard for texting their twat friends, they have a big screen which they need because they're getting old and need large pictures on their phone, and because you can get them in pink. They never stop to think that these are amazingly sophisticated devices that might take more than 20 minutes of your precious fucking time to learn how to use. Your average Blackberry has more computing power, RAM and online capabilities than my first desktop had. Then they're all like "you mean I have pay extra for a feature to use this phone." YES! If we allowed you to take a Blackberry without a data feature, with the sheer amount of times it checks for emails per minute, you could easily rack up thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, in data charges in one month. (Remember that $.02 vs. $.002 conversation you sent me that one time, Calliander?) Not to mention the fact that if you aren't using this in conjunction with Email or the web there is no fucking reason to have one. Fucking soccer moms are the bane of my goddamn existence.

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