
In category:Sex
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Stone is right for the most part. Peps is very correct about a lot of women, but those women are usually not worth pursuing anyway. Also, I don't think women are the only gender with faults. I'm sure women don't like it when guys won't go out with them because their tits aren't quite big enough or their hair isn't the perfect color. In terms of physical shallowness men are a lot worse in general. If a guy is serious about finding a woman he can, the thing is a lot of the time the guy has issues deep down that keep him from truly looking for a woman. Like, how Lio always went after women he knew from the start he could never ever pry away from their b/f or change, because it was safe. You have to make sure every part of your being is ready and willing to find a good woman and then it's really not hard. A mental trick I do when I'm trying to get a woman is picture the woman as one of your male friends and talk to them accordingly. Not totally accordingly, but enough to remove the sexual part so you can focus on being funny and fun. When a guy is talking to a woman with the intention of fucking her, the woman can sense it right away and it turns them right off. Throw in a few charming things here and there so she knows you're at least a little interested in her and aren't gay though. Will Smith actually said something really perceptive and intelligent once, he said that you can't be funny and sexy to a woman at the same time, you can be funny and then be sexy right after or before being funny but not at the same time, so you have to mix up the being funny and not just try to be funny constantly.

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