Women, stuff

In category:Sex
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Lio, she likes you, girls don't invite guys places if they don't like them on some level. Blow a load on her nipples, if they get hard then she likes you. If not then it wasn't meant to be. Anyway, Valentine's Day sucks. This was my first Valentine's Day single in 4 years and it was terrible. I spent the day drinking beer and masturbating. Ok, it wasn't that terrible, but it was still subpar. There was a girl I was going to ask out but it turned out some other friend of hers asked her out the day before so I was like "Ok, I'm gonna go get shitty drunk and masturbate, have fun" and then I did it. I did realize something though, love is like alchohol, it can feel really great to be drunk but then when it's over the hangover is a bitch. And everyone always says "I'm never drinking again!" while puking in the toilet, but then that weekend that same person is drinking his weight in beer. Same thing with love. Love changes you too, like alchohol. When I'm single I'm more vulgar and crude. Like, if I had a g/f right now I'd never had said that load on her nipples thing, I'd have said "Love rules" or something to that effect. So I guess my Valentine's Day message is that if you're with someone special then savor every minute of it, and if you're alone then get drunk and masturbate, or if you're a woman then come to my house and we'll make some puppies.

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