Why You Should Pay Attention to Madison Cawthorn's Fate

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

So the liberal grifters and their sycophantic followers are crowing about Madison Cawthorn's loss in the primary. As well they should, since he'll be gone... but it's not like his replacement will be better. And a Democrat still has to beat that replacement somehow. At least this bag of dicks acknowledges that in his tweet:

Fred Wellman tweet

Now, let me make myself clear: Cawthorn is a piece of crap. But, as the saying goes, broken clocks or something.

Cawthorn didn't lose because of any demerits with regard to his representation. The GOP took him down because, despite the absurdity of his sex party story, that shit was true and they did not like him exposing it.

Much like how the Qanon people are not 100% wrong — there's a child sex trafficking thing going on, and there are Democrats involved, but the leaders with the most terabytes and whatnot are prominent Republicans — Cawthorn got a little too close to the truth when he ratted out his fellows and it didn't fit the narrative.

Say what you want about the guy, just like I did above, but that took some guts on his part. He had to have known they'd tank him.

Cawthorn in hallway

Anyway: Why is this important? And why should you pay attention to it?

If you're a liberal, it should signal to you that some of these Republican shitbirds can be made to turn against their own without voluntarily leaving Congress ala Jeff Flake or Justin Amash (and he even went IND beforehand to be extra sure). That has to be something that can be utilized beyond inviting someone to a cocaine party.

If you're a conservative, you should take a long, hard look at what happened here before you dismiss Cawthorn as being a RINO or not having been fully committed to the cause. He did everything right up until he didn't. Snitches get stitches, but he pushed the door ever-so-slightly ajar on the bullshit Republicans are up to behind the scenes as they claim to represent the values of their voters.

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