Why the fuck is everyone dying

In category:Misc
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

What the fuck, this morning I wake up to Howard Stern and hear that Hank the Dwarf died yesterday afternoon. I loved Hank, I'm really upset about his passing and I'm not sure why, it's not like I knew him and I rarely get upset about the death of people I didn't know. When I found out and they played candle in the wind for him I cried, they set up a big poster of Hank and people are leaving flowers and bottles of alchohol for him (he drank 24/7). At first I thought it was a joke, then I hoped it was a joke, and now it's setting in that he's really gone. I always laughed my ass off when he was on, and he always reminded me exactly of Blood. He talked exactly like Blood, he used to fall asleep sitting up and all that, he was a dwarf version of Blood. Maybe that's why I'm so sad about it, I don't get to see Blood anymore so when he was on the show it was like I was seeing him. I dunno, this sucks. There's so much death going on it's fucking gay. Goodbye Hank, I love ya little guy.

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