Who's got a trashy corn hole?

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

Had an interesting week. Went to a few parties, spent a couple of days in bed with a hang-over. I finished the first of my two finals. It was the worst take-home-test experience ever. This morning I woke up at 10am and felt fine. I uploaded my exam and went to go pick-up the printout. Well, the fucking room doesnt open till noon, and the test is due at eleven. So I decide maybe the library will have an open lab.. I drove into the garage, decided it probably would be futile, and drove right out.. at the CS building, there were a couple of folks standing outside the locked building. I asked them if they knew where to print out this early, and they said the library was open... after mentally smacking myself, I drove back to the garage and went into the library. Now at this point I start feeling a little hot and sweaty. I rolled up my sleeves, and proceeded on. I got up to the lab, and printed my document. The printer apparently wasn't cooperating, and the girl working there had never used that printer before. So I stood there, starting to feel a little light, while she pushed buttons. Eventually it printed, and I left. I uncomfortably stood in the elevator with an odd looking woman wearing a "I Love Lucy" sweatshirt. Boy, was she smelly. I hurried out of the elevator and went on my way. In front of the Student Union, I thought of how funny it would be to puke in front of it.. but I made it back to the car and felt okay. I drove to the building, handed in my test, saw Danz0r and Wilson, and went home- to bed. I slept a long time, then went shopping for groceries.

I can't remember what I did Friday though.. at all. I can't remember the whole day.

It sucks that insult dies in the summer, only sort of tho. It's good not to use the computer. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen for me.. so I'll still be posting. Readership drops by 40% tho.

I came across this cartoon the other day and found it odd, so I wanted to share:

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