Who cares

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

It's funny what stress does to a person. I don't necessarily feel stressed, I just know I am going out of my mind and my level of caring is going down and down.

I looked at my grades recently in a class.. and I got 100/100 on the last lab I handed in. It didn't generate any feelings in me. It is 10% of my entire grade.. yet I don't care. The last one I also aced (another 10%)... but I am pissed about that one because Wilson got 100/100 and I got 90/100.. and we handed in the EXACT SAME CODE (we were partners.. it is a group thing). So what hte hell.. thats the only thing that I feel.

Watched ER tonight... a slew of PaineWebber commercials. So weird.. they're long commercials.. but they sponsored the show. Every commercial links to the one prior.. a good 8-12 minutes of these in the hour long ER. It's weird.. its a mixture of investment advertising and technology advertising. Full of little insights on the upper-middle-class->upper-class life. I guess its more about what upper class society has become now that there are so many more really rich people.

Having a house that costs $800,000 (based on Connecticut suburb standards) or $1,200,000 (based on Californian standards) with two luxury cars, a third nice car for your child, three kids, and a pet. That I guess is upper-middle class. That is not an uncommon statistic now.

Blah blah blah.. blah blah.

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