
In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Ya know, I'd kinda like to respond to GirlNextDoor's post. Now, given she probably was not aiming that lengthy hurrangue at me, but since my post was before hers, and my post is somewhat similar to the very thing she's complaining about, i feel compelled to respond.

For instance... someone else got what I wanted. This is a very painful thing. Especially if it happens to you multiple times. It was even more painful because this fuck stands against all I hold dear. Although I wouldn't expect you to relate to my pain seeing as you seem to have the same caring/nurturing skill as a chainsaw.

I wasn't looking for a tear to fall either, my post was venting frustration so I don't blurt out "YOU SUCK!" during the wedding ceremony. Ya know, people like you make ME sick... yeah. You know what you are? You're the advanced stage of WHINER. Yeah, you think you've been hurt sooo many times that everybody else's pain is insignificant to yours. You've become so hard bitten and cynical that whenever somebody emotes something that they're feeling, you feel the need to make them feel stupid. You have this attitude like everyone else is miserable, stop complaining that you are miserable too. Problem with that line of reasoning is this... We're not supposed to be miserable, we just make ourselves that way. You're just plain sad.

On a final note, my dear Ice Queen, if you're going to whine about whiners, try not to do it on a board that is designated for the purpose for whining and venting.

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

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