Wheels, jobs and solitude.

In category:Work
Post by:LioConvoy

Well, I just started my new job on monday. It seems like a really chill place and my co-workers seem like a real fun bunch of guys. I spent 8 hours yesterday reading company manuals and filling out these assinine worksheets that asked questions that basically amounted to "Sexual Harrassment is bad. True or False" or "Your coworker screams out the word 'nigger' in the store. Do you A.) Pull him aside and calmly explain to him that that was not proper busines conversation. B.) Punch him in the head. C.) Give him a high five." All the fun policy and procedure of working for a major corporation. I don't know, right now it seems like the type of place where I could grow to hate or I could love it... could go either way. But the pay and benefits are good, so that will keep me going. If nothing else it will give me motivation to move higher. See, at Caron's, I wasn't happy with my job, but I didn't hate it. I'd grown complacent. It wasn't good, but it wasn't really bad either. If I like this job, I can stay reap the benefits, and even move into Bose Corporate if I were thus inclined. If I hate it, It will light the fire I need lit under my ass.

On the bright side I get my wheels tommorrow. 97 Jeep Cherokee. Looks like a fun ride... 4 wheel should help me in the snow. I just pray i don't tip the bastard. Also, I'm worried it won't have as much soul as the Smurf Rocket. Ya know? Smurf Rocket was like me. It was big, it wasn't pretty, but it had it where it counted. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Also, this time without wheels has really made me realize how little human contact I have these days. I mean, on sundays we have D&D and a few of us get together. But of course Bill leave this week. I hang out with Logan occasionally, and sometimes spo will make a surprise visit, but that's it really. All saying that I have to get out more. I've been in too long.

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