what the fuck happened?

In category:Insult
Post by:Caniprokis

well, its nice to see that insult has become a mere shell of its former self. nobody insults anyone anymore, we all just kinda cry about shit, i myself am just as guilty as the rest of you, crying about stupid shit that dosent mean anything to anyone except me and perhaps a few other people. so you know what fuck you. you whoever you are reading this post, you fuck job. you should have stayed in you mothers mouth were you belonged, you fucking cum bubble. i hope that somedoy you go to the zoo and a monkey throws its shit right in your face, i hope your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you with somebody with a bigger dick or a better set of tits, or maybe both depending on what your into you fucking heaping humping hog of life. not only that but i hope you trip and fall face first in dog shit and then that same dog walks up and take a piss on your GIANT fucking head. FREAK! so fuck you fuck this page and fuck the world....

shit head

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