What has changed?

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Good lord, why am I finding Preacherman so hard to live with now?

This is semester number three living with the guy.. I don't think much of him has changed.. which might be the problem.

Preacher comes from a different cultural background. He sees everyone as being below him. He shouts orders to people for anything he wants. He is used to getting his way (only child, parents tried to make him happy I suspect by doing everything he wanted).

The problem is, if he wants something done as a favour he makes it an order.. and I don't take that well. I generally go with the flow, but the problem is I am stubborn and don't like taking orders.

If you want something from me, you better be asking nicely or I will do the opposite of what you want (or nothing.. or something totally unrelated to piss you off).

Order me to check the weather? Fine, I will do complain to you and do nothing. Order me to admit something, I'll make up something else.

As wilson said, you can't reason with me.. and arguing with me is just a pleasure for me.. nor does it generally go anywhere (why does it need to?)

Plus, PReacherman eats my food. Now.. its one thing to eat my food.. he goes beyond that.. not only does he eat ODD NUMBER of eggo waffles, but the COCK SUCKING FAGGOT will forget to put the box back in the freezer and the fucking waffles will be completely ruined.

So, the latest development is basically that I've noticed I've become short with Preacherman. Not only short, but downright insulting. I automatically respond with something rude no matter what he says.. I cant help it.

The thing is, I do think there is a good person hiding in there.. on a few very rare occasions I've seen that person. The only issue is that he is not a very good friend (see wilson's post).

I don't know what to do... I am not moving out of the room, and Preacherman is not going to get any better. It is becoming harder and harder to restrain myself from stabbing him with my knife, or kicking him while he's doing his nightly pushups.

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