What does SUPAR BOWL!?!

In category:Literature
Post by:Stone

Woo, it's the Super Bowl, the game the Patriots won last year!  There's no way this year's game will be anywhere as good as 2002's, of course, but I'm still looking forward to having a chance to see the evil, hated Raiders go down in the face of the Bucs' mighty defense.  Die, Raiders, Die.  I'm predicting a 20-17 victory for the Bucs, and I think it's going to be an exciting game.

Good to see more people posting on Insult.  This tends to happen in the Spring, I think.  Stuff is going fairly well here, mopping up the last few requirements standing in between me and a degree.  I've got two entertaining Math classes.  One's a Statistics class whose Professor is a zany-Yakov-Smirnov-level stereotypical Russian - he writes things like "What does Statistics?" and "Aspirin does it reduce risk of stroke/hart attacks?!!" on the board, which is remarkably entertaining if you're actually in the class.  He smokes a pipe and seems to wear the same loden-colored sweater every class.  Also a very good professor, makes the material interesting.  The other math class is called Mathematical Explorations, a Math for English Majors sort of thing, and it focuses on the idea of infinity, what it means, how it developed historically, how people contend with its existence, that sort of thing.  Exciting stuff...the class' professor is an elemental Math Professor, pure-Math-Professor-existence, makes sense I guess.

Hm...the cold here's been monumental.  We had about a week where I don't think the temperature (inc. wind chill) made it over zero degrees.   It's a balmy 16F outside right now, and when I walk out to grab some coffee today, that's going to feel like Spring's weather to me - the way things have been going, my face and feet not being numb justifies straw hats and parasol drinks.


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