westside connection

In category:Misc
Post by:Caniprokis

HI to david, what an cockbandit! i mean man, i thought bloody hated fags, well actually he does, but man David hates fags like its his only mission on earth. and look at him he looks like he LOVES THE COCK... ill bet thats it he loves the cock and hates himself for it.

In other news Los Angeles in not a place you want to go if you need to get a job, unless of course you speak anything except english, if i spoke korean chinese or spanish i could work anyware but no im an english speaking whiteboy...that means that i have to go 45 minutes to a white suberb to get a job...i long for the ease of employment in branford. but whatever ill figure something out soon im sure, i have not yet begun to fight or something bullshit and good sounding like that.

And from the "The beat goes on" department some music news if you will. Killswitch Engage has enterd the studio the record followup album to 2002's "Alive or Just Breathing", this will include the vocal stylings of Howard Jones the man who took over for Jesse Leach when he was forced to leave the band over personal and physical problems. im greatly looking forward to experincing the new sound that will surely come. My only worry is that the lyrics themselves which i love and respect from Jesse may not have the same effect from Howard, hes got big shoes to fill. Candiria is still recovering from a tractor trailer into tour van accident they had while touring new york, it was pretty bad and they lost alot of equipment but everyone survived and is on the road to recovery, hopefully well see them back on tour by the summer, in futher Candiria news the side project "Ghosts of the Canal" album was released and i of course bought it, at first i hated it i expected a much more jazzy feel to it what i got was a VERY exparimental album consisting mostly of drum and bass odditites. i like it more as i listen but its definitly on the strange side. from the "Im not a hippy but" department i had a chance to check out the new Phish album "Roundroom" and i have to say after getting over the shock of this very unproduced album that it has alot of good tracks on it and will definitly make it into my cd player more often than not. its a far cry from the smooth sound of farmhouse but i think its a good break for them, aspects of both farmhouse and treys solo album seemed like too much time was spent behind the booth and not enough time in the studio. So the band headed up and got back on tour, good, because i want to see them live. We (pappy wilson and I) got a chance to check out one of there recent concerts via streaming audio and they sounded tight and full of energy, something that was lacking in some of the shows prior to there short but needed hiatus.


"If I Stand Alone, I'll Fight For You"~Killswitch Engage

948 out!

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