In category:Sex
Post by:LioConvoy

Ya know... some days I'm so tired, bitter, angry and disgusted I just want to destroy everything around me. But today was a remarkably good day for LioConvoy. It was a beautiful day 74 degrees, slightly overcast... Lio's favorite type of weather. Kept myself busy all day. Then I came home and got to assist my roommates in getting obliterated... which is absolutely hysterical. I enjoyed this little three ring circus until the capper to my day came.

At 9 PM Eastern Standart Time, after 22 years a milestone in Filthholer history was reached. LioConvoy had his first date. Indeed. Now, I didn't rail her or even land a kiss. But I did lay some important groundwork. She feels comfortable around me outside of work (where we met). I hope I can make something of this before I have to graduate. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Till All Are One

LioConvoy out...

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