Well, here goes...

In category:People
Post by:LioConvoy

Now, you may be right about my vague storytelling and lack of true details as being somewhat indirect even cowardly... but the reason for that is a very good one.  My reason for starting this off was two fold.  One, I wanted to clear the air with Caniprokis... and two to express my distaste for how I have been treated by many of you.  Now was this past post sophomoric and "Drama causing", sure... but hey what can I say, I wrote it angry.  But all the words that needed to be spoken between Caniprokis have been spoken, and that's that.  And I achieved my second goal as well.

But you will not get a full, clear explanation of events from me for one simple fact:  It is the business of no one who still posts on this site.  This is between me, wilsor's ex, and now that all dirty laundry has been aired, Wilsor.  I didn't write my full side of the story because it shouldn't matter to you guys.  As friends you guys should know the following facts:

1. I did something of questionable (not even flat out wrong, questionable) moral character.
2. I never lied, or denied anything that went on (but I didn't exactly run crying to tattle on myself either)
3. I never asked any of you to lie for me.

And that's all you guys should know or care about.  I wanted to find a way to tell Wilson myself, but I felt it was news that should be done face to face, and not by going online and saying "HEY, GUESS WHAT!!!".  But before I could find that proper time, our little quilting circle cracked the story, and the shit hit the fan.  Nobody even bothered to check with me if these rumors were true, honestly I would have enjoyed your council on the matter, but didn't tell anyone myself, for fear of exactly what happened, hapenning.  This honestly should have come from me, or wilsor's ex... if for no other reason than that he deserved better than to hear from the sources he did.

I had a heart to heart with Caniprokis the day after my and many things were said... but among the things he said, the one that stuck with me the most is that I have to assess matters and grow up.  And that's true... I've got a lot of growing up to do... but before any of you start thinking about how much more mature you are than I am, just think about how you personally handled the information about my transgression when you recieved it.  If you didn't start gabbing like a ninny, then you have all the right in the world to think what you do.

P.S.  Thanks to Stone for keeping his word for me.  You didn't run and tell, but when you were confronted, you didn't lie for me.  Thank you.

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