
In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Levres, but I apparently do not meet the minimum standards of any of the girls I've liked recently. I don't even get a chance anymore. Whereas most guys get that grace period, I simply get brushed aside before I get my foot any part of the way in the door. So even if I do like WeezerChick and even if she isn't seeing someone right now, I'm not even going to bother because either I'm not her type or I'll fuck it up (ala that guy in that movie Swingers). I can't "settle" so I'm in a catch-22. If I didn't have this terrible, irrational fear of having any sort of intimate relationship with girls who are even slightly overweight, I'd be as snug as a bug in a rug. But I do, so I'm fucked. And it's annoying, and now I'm just whining.

In other news, my father moves back into my house today. This should be interesting. He'll be here in about 45 minutes to pick me up and get the last of his stuff from the apartment. On Monday, I have to call the bursar's office at Southern to see if I got that loan... highly unlikely, like other things. I'll have to get one from Citizen's Bank. Meh. Eight million percent finance charge.

And if my nose doesn't stop running, I'm gonna cut it off! Argh! Later, folks!

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