We need a war.. badly

In category:People
Post by:Pappy

We really really need a war. Soon. Preferrably with space aliens.

I can think of so many positive reasons to do this.

  • If there are no aliens, we can't really lose
  • We need something to work on together
  • Development of space craft would be wonderful.. even if its fighter craft. Space travel is what we need, and a war is the only thing that would push us into it.
  • I am sick of hearing about moron kids shooting up schools. I mean.. has life become so fucking boring that you have to shoot up a school for excitement? Where is the drug use, sex, and interest in life?
  • It's good for the economy
  • How about some population control other than stupid diseases?

An American is sooo unlikely to die in a war right now.. since there is no real war and no other country can really do much against us that isnt already an allie (ally?)

Since Russia can't afford to fight, and were never any good at it anyway.. aliens would be far better. It would be cool to have a space patrol, some robot sentries going around the solar system, and a military base on Mars.

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