Wazzup homefry?

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

First, what the fuck is a homefry? I have used it twice today, and I don't know why.

Anyway.. I am coding, taking a break actually. I have so much to do by the end of the week!!!!!! I have three days and in those three days I must:

  • Spend about 10 hours coding for a client
  • Spend 6 hours finishing up a new server room downstairs (just building walls and putting up sheetrock.. the door needs to be put in and hte sheetrock needs to be put up before I go).
  • Go to the town dump.. I have a lot of shit to throw away, including building scraps

To you, that sounds like about 18 hours of work in a 3 day period. That is doable, but only without interruption. My problem is I need to eat, go to the post office, go to the bank, see friends, and sleep too.

First, let me say fuck parking services for the university. Fuck them right in the eye socket. You see, the best parking sticker in the past few years has been a purple sticker. You can't get anything better if you're an undergrad. I had a purple last year, and I bought one again for this next year. Now, as it is, the purple lot last year was not close to my dorm. It was several hundred yards uphill, but it wasnt that bad of a trek. I find out today, though, that the purple lot has been converted to ORANGE for some reason. Now, orange didn't exist before, and it costs the same as purple. Orange can only park in orange.. which isnt a big deal sine there are only 3 purple lots on campus, none very close to eachother. So, now there are two purple and one orange. I have a purple sticker, not orange. So I have to fucking take a bus or walk 20-40 minutes to get to my car. Fucking shitholes.

I don't know what I'm going to do.. I've been put on the waiting list for orange.. but god damnit, it sucks to have to be so far away from my car.

One a final note, here is a very true comic from X:

Missing image: /pics/X

* A note from Insult.org: This post has been edited to remove references to a comic strip which, at the time, was boring and inconsequential. The creator of the strip has since turned into a horrible human being and uses the strip to spew hatred that even we won't be associated with.

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