Want To See a Magic Trick?

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Stone

I think I'm going to be in Los Angeles that weekend, but if not, I will definitely come up. Last weekend was awesome, and I could use some more wampum.

Dark Knight was awesome. I went to the 12:30pm showing last night, and it was packed. Heath Ledger did an incredible acting job...it's amazing how far he was able to take the character without spilling over into Jack-Nicholson-style-winking-scenery-chewing. Some nice political subtext, great characters, funny in parts, genuinely horrifying in others. I thought the hand-to-hand was better in this film than in Batman Begins (the fight scene choreography was that movie's major flaw), although maybe it wasn't, and the chaotic what-the-fuck-is-happeningness of it just made more sense in the Dark Knight than it did in Batman Begins. Also very cool to see how Gotham evolved from Batman Begins to the Dark Knight.

There's more I want to say, but I'll wait until the rest of Insult has seen the movie.


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