Wakka wow way wakka wakka

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

I keep meaning to rant more.. I miss it.. but I really have begun to hate insult... the site simply pisses me off.

So, I got that comic via email this morning. I flew back to Los Angeles yesterday from Connecticut, and promptly collapsed upon arriving at home. So I didn't really check email after 9am EST yesterday until 9am PST. In those 27 hours, I received 11 legitimate messages and nearly 400 spam messages. I hate email.

Amongst the 11 legitimate was this one message that was supposed to go to someone else (people often email my domain name that ends in .com when it is supposed to go to .net). And this comic was in there. I replied to the person telling them that I wasn't their friend, and they replied very angry that I had opened the attachment.

So, here it is to share with you. I see no reason why it can't be shared, I found it quite amusing.

I think I am going to start writing more soon. This site needs some work done to it, and I have been putting it off for now 16 months. SIXTEEN MONTHS. Can you believe it? Time flies eh?

Anyway, this is all I have time for right now.

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