Wait … Wetbacks? Seriously?

In category:People
Post by:Calliander
My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes. It takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It's all done by machine.

Alaska Representative, Don Young. Man, I don't even know where to start or begin here. I'm just going to have to stream-of-consciousness this one:

  • I realize this is an old guy but even my grandparents - older by at least six years - know you don't just casually toss around racial slurs.
  • He can't possibly have thought that it was an acceptable term, could he? I mean, he hasn't actually apologized for saying it.
  • If he had used the term, 'spics,' what kind of reaction would that have generated?
  • Why wouldn't he have just said, 'workers,' instead? What purpose does using the pejorative serve?

That's all I can think of right now but man, that is just too funny. I know I'm a pretty liberal dude with no love for the GOP but I'd like to see how the crazies are reacting to this - probably trying to somehow pin this as a platform of the Republicans or something when it's really just some out-of-touch old dude.

Of course, this does remind me of the time that Billy Ocean's "Caribbean Queen" happened to be playing in the background (at a low volume) during a car ride and my grandmother on my father's side interrupted whatever conversation was happening to note: "This sounds like a bunch of coloreds, jazzing it up!"

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