Vote 2000

In category:Politics
Post by:Pappy

First, I would like to respond to the Gatekeeper's post.

I don't read this site very often myself. I don't browse websites really. I know when people post interesting things because my mailbox gets filled with messages from people. Traffic to the site has dwindled a lot, down to only about a 800 people per day (that corresponds to about 19,000 hits per day.. hits being file hits). Why people visit, I don't know. Traffic in May was much higher. One reason may be because there are porn sites that link to us.. and the domain name itself gets some random traffic.

And, thank you Gatekeeper, I will keep in mind that you don't mind being insulted. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't really have anything to say about you. I haven't seen you in what.. two and a half years? More? The last time I spoke to you was during the whole gay thing started by MT. Perhaps you'll post on here and generate a good negative reaction from me. :)

The people I want to insult are not really people I know. They are sort of innocent. I want to say petty things.. I want to remark on how someone has a huge forehead, or a unibrow, bad hair, or just a bad odor. These are friends of friends, or sometimes just random people..

Anyway, about the election. No one ranted about it, I didn't especially want anyone to rant about it.. I think its entertaining enough without mindless babble from the twenty-something crowd with their take. Instead, i want to post a funny image I received from a reader via fax (by the way.. however you folks are finding my fax number PLEASE STOP. I don't need to see a lot of the vile shit you send me and I will not post it.. er.. except this one, I like this one. I wont like any of the others though, so go fucking kill yourself already).

Missing image: /pics/vote2000.gif
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