
In category:Sex
Post by:FlyingTim

I think that all men who abuse women should be locked up in a prison like the one in the Shawshank Redemption. Fuck that Hilton otherwise knows as Oz...they need to go to places with tiny cells made of stone with actual bars on the windows and doors, a place where the inmates rape you and the guards beat you up. A place where you can't go outside 10 months of the year because there's too much snow on the ground. A place where you can't trust the food, a place where you can't trust your cell mate, a place where you can't trust your own mind to stay sane. I want a place well out of health code, a place infested with rats and cockroaches, a place where you may just end up dead before breakfast. I want them to spend of their lives suffering, but if they have to be put to death because of what they have done, then a lifetime of suffering has to packed into one act. And fuck the idea of cruel and unusual punishment. That is a right for real Americans, as soon as you violated someone's right to happiness by beating the shit out of them, then you throw your own rights out the window. Bring brack drawn and quartering, having ants slowly eat his head, old school torture techniques. Thats what I want for men who abuse women. Thank you.

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