
In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Ess-tone, I think a vacation would be a cool idea. You could go to like, Hawaii, or something and just relax. You could go get some golf lessons there, take island tours, party all night, a bunch of other stuff. And if you plan your itinerary ahead of time, you don't really have to focus on relaxing since you'll be doing all kinds of fun things. You definitely need a vacation since you haven't gone on a real one since '96. Everybody deserves at least a week to themselves every few years, even if some workplaces don't have vacation plans and whatnot. You should look into cool places to stay that are out of the ordinary, too, because then you get a cultural experience in addition to vacationing. Hell, a trip to England would be good for you, man. ;)

I wish we'd all had time to do that road trip thing we were planning way back when. That would have been totally sweet.

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