Updates.. Insult and Me.

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

The update to the site won't probably be totally live this week. I am doing it as part of a class project. It will be done this week, but I don't know when the XML generator will be written.. I don't know when I'll have time.

The update will basically exclude older browsers. I am going to try to make it as compatible as I can, but I'm afraid I just don't care if you can view that version.. the content will be readable via the same old interface.

Some things may be only available via the new interface. Basically features that are not in the server now won't be in the old, more compatible, interface. Some features may stop working. The only thing I can think of that may cease existing in the old system is the daily comic post. We'll see on that one though.

I also expect some future content to only function in the new interface. That too may be reworked.

I digress..

I got pulled over today. Supposedly clocked going over 53mph in a 35mph zone. I don't see how that is possible considering, but the cop claimed I was. He let me go on a verbal. He didnt even do a warrant check on me or anything.

I did quite a bit of work today. Spent a long time on hold with teh IRS this morning. The bitches are next to impossible to get in contact with.

I am glad there are things you can do to get pain relief from gout. I realized today it was the guy that lives on the couch upstairs that has it. This guy makes the disease seem to be sort of silly. He likes to update people on his gout. Luckily it doesn't involve showing. But like, one of the first time I met him, he said he had it. It was like a nerd showing off some warts or something.. like on tv/movies. This guy doesn't seem like a nerd or anything tho.. but that is still teh image I got.

One thing I am glad about, in regards to the pain in my hands, is that my joints don't really swell up. They get sort of stiff, but swelling means you can't really move them at all. It's also pretty dorky to have medical issues like that. Doctors still cant decide between what type of nerve damage it is..

I was told by someone I barely know today that I am very proper. The tone didn't indicate it was an insult, but it does sound like one. It is something I never thought about.. I don't really know what it means. If you have anything to add to that, please share with me.

It's only 1:30, and thanks to daylight savings I am real tired. Gnite.

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