Underwear and Reunions

In category:Misc
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

I made the switch to wife beaters (scientifically called "A" shirts, due to their shape) and boxer briefs many years ago, and I'm quite pleased with them in general. As far as sleeping goes, I avoid all the confusion altogether by not wearing anything to bed, screw that. There aren't enough opportunities to be naked, so I'll take those 8 hours.

And yes, ponies are girly. A man might want a horse, but little girls want ponies. Tell him to get a real midget if he wants one so bad.

I believe the president of the class is supposed to contact everyone about reunions. And yeah, I'm also pretty sure they do them every five years. Or they might only do it the 5th year, the 10th year, and then every 10 years after that. I don't remember who our class president was senior year, nor do I really care. But it'll still be fun.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

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