
In category:People
Post by:Stone

"Oh well, it will all be worth it. One day, I'll be 180 lbs. and I'll see the DemonQueen walking down the street. I'll walk up to her, and I'll just laugh. I'll laugh and laugh and laugh. Because she ditched me when I was flawed, and by then I'll be damn near perfect."

And then, while you're standing there and laughing, a slight wind will blow by you, and you'll be so gangly that you'll snap in half. And while you're laying there, crumpled, your brain will explode from the shock of making a statement as stupid as "she ditched me when I was flawed, and by then I'll be damn near perfect."

Come on, dude, please.

W0rk. I like Wint-O-Green lifesavers.

Stone 2000

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