"traditons are stupid"?

In category:Misc
Post by:Caniprokis

calliander wrote that "traditions are stupid", well fuck face thats excatly what im talking about. because of thinking like that we are becoming a bland society of people who care about nothing. traditions in culture are what gives us our distinctions, if not for traditions we would all be a bunch of people looking at each other funny wondering why were standing there. the fact that we are becoming this overly excitable and easily scared culture is terrible. we need to look at our past and embrace its traditions not shun them becuase we think its better to be completely blind in some sort of assinine nobodys better than anyone else way. Ameicans are better. there i said it. were not even better were the fucking best, you know why? because we are fucking americans! and im even better because im an IRISH AMERICAN! im american first but i love to relish in my irish heritage, its traditions may seem backwords or stupid to you and many other people but i love it and i will never give it up. as far as not letting go of hate, dont be such a pussy. Hate makes you strong, its what makes us able to be the best and it always will. hate can mean alot of things, and im not talking about bullshit hate like oh that dudes gay, black, white, orange, a punk, a hardcore kid, a gangsta, hate like that, hate of bullshit is stupid. im talking about the kind of hate that builds a fire in your stomach that inrages you when you or someone you know is wronged, thats the hate we all need to have and never let go of. the stronge are always the target and if we let go of out ablitly to hate our enemys them we let go of our ability to be the strongest country in the world...and i will never let that go, id die to see that it never changes. and thats the difference between you and me.

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