Topics that don't need debating

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

You know, dumbass, I'm having a lot of difficulty figuring out exactly how you're hitting the "enter" key on your keyboard after typing the title. "Enter" is nowhere near "Tab", which is the required key you press to move forward a field in every operating system. So I'm completely confounded trying to imagine your finger missing the "Tab" key and hitting "Enter" instead. Maybe you could clear that up for me, pindejo.

There are certain things, to me, which don't deserve a debate. These are political "issues" I'm talking about here. Some things are so evidently clear to me that they do not even need to be discusses. The other night this couple came in who I'm always friendly with. The woman was trying to explain to her husband that human cloning was wrong. Now, I didn't hear the argument, but I thought, "Wow, she's dumb." Later on that night, I found myself wondering why yet another person was talking to his friend about it. Lio has explained to me the reason.

Anyway, human cloning is one of those topics, to me, which doesn't even deserve a debate. I am unable to fathom what anyone could possibly have wrong with the prospect, and when I ask how dissent could occur, I am bombarded with incredibly stupid and narrowminded protests. It's fucking amazing. I am in awe of the idiocy on display here with this human cloning thing. Against God's will? Excuse me? Are we talking to God on a regular basis again? Has the nation reverted back to Jesus-time and I missed it? But yeah, banning all forms of human cloning is going to set us back quite a bit, technologically. There's no way to persuade me to think it's wrong. The thought doesn't enter my mind because there's no conflict.

Another topic which bewilders me with the amount of discussion thrown at it is same-sex marriages. Where's the problem? Am I missing something? Two people love each other. If they want to be stupid and get married, what the hell does it matter if they are two girls or two guys? But that's for another day.

On another note, I love Dubya. Not in the way I loved Bill Clinton, because there's zero chance of me voting to re-elect him, but in a novel sort of way. He's a friendly man and very likable because he's... well, cute. But the man's an idiot. His sentences rarely consist of more than five syllables and some of his facial expressions just give him this "dumb" look. I would've liked to hear what he had to say on Human Cloning since I find his speeches more akin to a stand-up comedy routine. That's how I view our current president: a comedian. It's like having Robin Williams as president, just not as smart.

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