Too much wrong in the world.

In category:Money
Post by:Pappy

Since I seem to be wasting more time ranting, I might as well complain about a country that is high up on the fucked up list: Zimbabwe.

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Now, this little country has been a mess since the beginning of time, but in the last twenty years (since they broke away from Britain basically) very little has changed. A lot was supposed to change when the breakaway happened but little did happen.

So now you have a country that has very little exports, and no money. They export a lot of tobacco, and it makes up for a huge percentage of their yearly income. Soooo.. you have a lot of poor angry people, who decide that they want some land. So they go take over farms.. killing farmers, farm hands, black or white. So now you have a lot of squatters and angry people destroying tonnes of crops. And what does all that mean? It means that the already poor country now has far less money coming in. And does the government realize this and try to stop things? No.

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