Too much Crank...

In category:Misc
Post by:Sapphire

Caniprokis, whaddya mean you can't see the porn..? It's everywhere...oh wait...*coughs* let me take my Porn-goggles off 0_0 . Nope, it's still there thanks to Pappy's autoposter. Sorry 'bout your jobless situation man, I sympathize with you. $$$ makes the world go round..and like you said..."Fight that good fight."

What up to your little friend David, Kevin. What the hell is he ON and I hope he's not sharing. None of the things he believes should happen are ever going to happen, not in America anyway. Maybe he should go to some little remote island and set up his fanatical government...of One. That's the only way he's going to get what he wants...and then three hours after his government is established, he chews all of his limbs off in a manic frenzy.

LioConvoy, the computer is your friend. How would it not let you see things contained within its beautiful, glassy and smoothly plastic exterior? Wait a minute...didn't we tell you that doing that one favorite activity too much would make you go blind?? ;)


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