Tom, Water, Coke, and Me

In category:Food
Post by:Pappy

/Yea, so tom collins is damn good. I only had one in this past evening, but we all wish it was more. Beer is good too tho.

Regarding the Coke issues calliander brings up. The active ingredients in many fine concoctions is often fatal or considered very bad if consumed in a large quantity. The coke syrup may be hazardous (its not in reality, the trucks place it there on their own to thwart hijackers.. in the past 15 years the trucks have made a bit of a migration to water/oil markers), but when you drink a fine glass of coca-cola you really arent harming yourself that much.

Myths regarding substances are so horrid. Marijuana has many, including stuff like marijuana will harm your fetus, and marijuana will make you impotent.. coca-cola has had many more, partially due to its secret nature. Myths are myths, and when scientists really analyze them, they probably wish they hadn't begun their research because they usually end up with somewhat unbelievable results compared to what has been believed to be the absolute truth for years/decades.

When it comes down to it, you have never seen the syrup in teh form coke transports it in. It is a secret and well guarded. In countries where you can still buy consumer grade syrup, you are getting very different syrups and none contain that horrid red dye that freaked people out years ago and many surge towards the pre-mixed stuff compared to making your own coke in a soda machine.

I miss being able to use a soda machine.. They are wonderful.

When it comes down to it, the world is stupid and Tom Collins is a genius. I love Tom's fine mixture and you should too god damnit. What is a Tom Collins with tonic water? We'll call it a Wilson, because thats how he makes them. It's like a gin&tonic that is fizzy. Never ginny enough tho.

I forgot to buy toilet paper, god damn me. I hope I don't have to shit before I buy some tho.

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