Tom Collins Wishes Wilson A Happy Belated Birthday

In category:Misc
Post by:Stone

Bloody good show, making it this far, old chum!

Happy birthday, man. Hm, I miss the days when people posted more on this thing. Pappy - have overall site visits gone down much compared to, say, a year ago? I still visit Insult as often as I ever have - there just isn't much to read. We're closing in on 2000 posts, pretty impressive. About 50 or 60 to go I think.

Have you heard about Bill Bennett and his gambling problem? If not, good - it's this unbelievably stupid attempted-scandal, going on now, where a few journalists are trying to turn a revelation about Bennett's love of gambling into some sort of Christian-Right-reckoning. It's not going to work, for #1 - how many people think gambling is even that much of a sin? It's like making a fuss because, I dunno, Lieberman likes to hit the Maneschewitz with a vengeance when Passover rolls around - "if he can drink kosher wine, then why can't I mainline heroin?!"

Gambling isn't the greatest thing, yeah, it's a waste of money - but I think Bennett's whole deal is that he wants to turn back the clock 50 years, regain 1950s morals, put homosexuals and hippies back in the damn closet where they belong, and, even in the 50s, gambling was pretty much on the level.

Plus, the whole thing has something to do with Clinton - "If you can string him up for lying about sex, then we'll string your guy up for not being entirely forthcoming about his love of one particular venial sin he may or may not have publicly railed against!" Fine, fine - but wouldn't now be the right time to take the high ground; not get down into the stupid muck? The scandals aren't even comparable, anyways.

Bennett's kind of an ass, but this stuff happening now is just unnecessary.

I like warm weather. Slope Day went well, just to let you all know - hearty amounts of beer were consumed, cheers were roused. Mildly hungover on Saturday, nothing major, which is an improvement. A good way to send off the tradition - a tradition that's been basically fucked to hell, as of this year. No more "what-21-and-over-law?", no more 2 liter Pepsi bottles full of a fifth of JD and a little coke, no more police officers fake-drinking 40s - the school "can't take responsibility for the tens of alcohol poisioning cases that happen every Slope Day anymore" or some bullshit like that, and now it's just some sort of school controlled, sponsored thing out on the Slope. The school sells $1 pints, you can't bring any alcohol in. It's nowhere near as much fun as it used to be. I bet it probably did help to curb drinking a bit.

Anyways, I'm going to go see X-Men 2. I want to see a post about Roscoe's if you guys ended up going. Even if I couldn't be there, I'll be able to live the dream through your mind's eye or something.


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