To the Anonymous Detractor

In category:Insult
Post by:Calliander

The problem with people, in general, is that they tend to have their feet in their mouths for a good two-thirds of their day (the other third spent, of course, sleeping... hopefully). I'm pretty damn proud to say that I hang around with above-average people; people who can form complete sentences, utilize grammar and spelling and are a step (or higher) above "computer literate". We're all a group of good kids, who come from good families and we make our parents proud, despite any shortcomings. Despite the fact that we use this website to bitch about things that piss us off, we are friendly people in real life. Unfortunately, not everyone is like that. For example, Pappy received this e-mail:

Subject: ur site sux

y do u keep ur site?

if i c u on my stret ever i will beat u. u r a homo. i cant beleive u r not in jale.

Normally, I'd be inclined to pass something like that off as a joke - something one of us did to be funny - because the message is hilarious if you take it simply as it is. However, there would really be no reason for one of us to do that. Also, if you'll recall, Pappy had posted that picture of the butt-plug a few days ago. The person who sent the message probably found the site and saw that nasty picture and was immediately repulsed. Instead of bothering to maybe, you know, check out some of the other posts, this person immediately hopped to flame Pappy, mistaking him for a "homo".

If I happen to be checking out random sites and see something that offends me, I try to check out the rest of the site it's on to make sure it's not something truly terrible. In fact, I'd like to believe that most humans have that inquisitive nature and would do the same thing. This person, however, is obviously very stupid. That's the only explanation I can think of for why s/he would even bother to e-mail Pappy with his/her disgust. And, come to think of it, how did that person even find the site? Was s/he specifically looking for sites with pictures of butt-plugs on them in order to flame the owners? That's a hell of an activity!

Bob: Hey, are you gay?
Gay Guy: Yes, why?
Bob: FAG! {runs away}

In that situation, "Bob" would also be wearing a face mask and gloves. Yes, our anonymous detractor did not even have the balls to leave his/her e-mail address, even more proof that s/he did not even take the time to read our site. So, "Bob", let me tell you something, just in case you decided to come back here to find more butt-plug pictures to scream at Pappy about:

You are worthless. Why are you even living? If I were to ever see you on the street, I would pity you because you'd be covered in dirty rags begging for change. You are a waste of flesh. I can't believe your parents didn't euthanize you for the greater good of this world.


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