To Levres...

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

I've never met you, and I don't know you from Adam, but as the son of two alcoholics, the only thing I can tell you... Let it slide. I mean, ask Pappy or [Wilson] for instance, they'll tell you about my mom. For as long as I can remember she's been getting all boozed up. She'd also say some pretty shitty things to me. And I'd say some shitty things to her. What's more... now that I'm not a kid anymore and am starting in on my own life, my mom tries to be one of those Friend/moms when she's drunk. I mean, I don't mind that when she's sober, but it's a little annoying when she's drunk. I mean, I don't like her when she's like that. But What is important is that I love her all the time. So what if she embarrasses me sometimes. So what if she says mean things. So what if she's destroyed my self-image (well, she did that when she was sober). I mean, I'd be a fucking basket case if I let all this crap get to me. I mean... so I say fuck it ! She's drunk. Whatever. You wanna talk about the smoking thing, She used to smoke up with Blood (I'm sure you've heard the legends of him). I'm pretty sure she's gonna join a rastafarian band. Once again... SO WHAT! Parents aren't perfect. In fact they aren't that much different from you and me.

Now, your main point seems to be that they do all of this and expect you not to. Now, that's kinda shitty. I never really had that problem since my parents let me run roughshod where ever I please, and do whatever I want so long as it it doesn't hurt me. But, you're an adult now. If they bring up that you shouldn't be doing things, just laugh at them, and bring up their hypocracy.

I'm sorry if all of this seems a little harsh, and if it came off that way I'm sorry, it was actually meant to be reassuring. But I just want you to know I identify with you. I had a similar night of enlightenment in my freshmen year. One night while hanging out in the filth hole with my homies, SisterOfCalliander was talking with my mom. Now, SisterOfCalliander being the inquizitive child she is asked my mother if she was in love with my father. My mother said no. This slapped me in the face. I banned SisterOfCalliander from the filth hole, and broke into tears. I finally realized that night that my parents weren't perfect. That they were flawed. And in time I realized that was ok.

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

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