Time Zones, Sleeping Patterns, Rain, and Work

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Pappy

I have been in europe for hte past few weeks.. and not really ranting or reading insult. Today I loaded the page because it usually is far less depressing than loading Yahoo (where I see the stock prices and news) or Fuckedcompany.com (where I see all the companies flushing themselves down the toilet).

I have not been doing anything but work really in teh past few weeks. My trip to the UK sucked, and weeks ago when I planned to go up to britain I had thought of it as sort of a holiday (vacation for the rest of you) from my constant working in mainland Europe. It wasn't at all a holiday, and stressed me out more than just working all the time. I have become quite gassy.. might be the food, but stress doesn't help.

I saw Requium for a Dream tonight at the Kinopolis bioscope... a real phatty theatre. Much larger than anything I've seen in the US... sooo many movies and screens double the size of the ones I normally see. And the movie rocked too. If you haven't seen it, watch it.

I hate being in this time zone.. GMT+1. New York is GMT-5. So that means I am six hours ahead for those of you lacking the ability to subtract. I am nine hours ahead of California. One prime problem with the zoning is that I have to talk to people in other time zones. I also find it too easy to stay up real late, and sleep in since my body clock is so fucked. I can just about fall asleep at any part of the day. The UK is an hour back too.. and the sun doesnt set here till like 11pm. It just fucks with you so much. If you come in Winter (January for instance) you wont suffer as badly since it will be dark from 4pm till 8am. It's also cold here.. its long pants, long (but light) shirt weather. I cam unprepared. Don't get me wrong, I love this part of the world.. its interesting, and its food I am real comfortable with. If I order a sandwich, it wont come with anything I dont actually specify. That is bad for those of you who order a turkey sandwich and expect turkey, lettuce, tomatoe, etc on there.. hell, you can't really find turkey sandwiches anyway. You have a choice of ham, chicken, horse, and sometimes lamb. I won't go near that foul horse meat, but I will gladly go for the fowl (kip). I order a ham en kip sandwich, but if you're ever here, you probably want ham en kip met sla. No, that was a lie.. ask for paard met kaas. That was Wilson's fav when he was here with me in January.

Anyway.. I have three days left here to do 10 days of work. It sucks.

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