Thoughts for today

In category:Misc
Post by:wilson

So, I haven't posted in a long time.... It's been for a lot of reasons.. I'm short on time, I honestly want some of you to rot in hell for fucking up my plans for next semester, and the site has become boring and stupid lately, I think. So, to add to the monsoon of bullshit that has fallen upon, here's my crap for the time being.

First of all, Thank you all so much for wishing me a happy birthday.. It ment a lot to me. HOWEVER, if I find out which one of you was responsable for getting me all roophied up, fucking me in the ass, and leaving me in a gutter, you're going to get it. It was a special treat for me to finally get to see caniprokis without his clothes on... OOOH MOMMA.

I'm quite sick of people posting to insult just to get their stats higher. It's stupid.. Thats entirely not the point... NO one wants to read shit just because it makes someones stats higher. Take me off the stats, or get rid of stats all together for all I care.. I really don't give a damn. Anyhow.

So I've come up with this theory that the stupider/more worthless the person, the larger the font/stupider the color scheme someone picks to use on AIM. I dont think I've ever talked to anyone intelligent who had a font size above 12, or who didn't have a color scheme that made my eyes bleed. Let me further continue this tirade by saying that 'UR' IS NOT THE SAME AS YOUR, or YOU'RE. Goddamn people... and I'm not just talking about on AIM/IRC/ICQ or whatever, I see people posting goddamn posters with UR on them instead of YOUR or YOU'RE. Fucking morons... Also, stop fucking IMing me if I don't know you. Here's a clue, if I've never IMed you, I probably NEVER EVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU. Here is a conversation that I could have done without:

Started Logging at 16:27 on 5/5/01

sphinx1672 (4:27:21 PM): hi Wilson you hot shit
Wilson (4:27:26 PM): ehehe
sphinx1672 (4:27:27 PM): i'm april
Wilson (4:27:29 PM): Hi
sphinx1672 (4:27:45 PM): i heard ur hot is that true?
Wilson (4:27:50 PM): nah
Wilson (4:27:55 PM): That sounds like a load of crap to me
sphinx1672 signed on at 4:28:47 PM. 
sphinx1672 (4:28:54 PM): no cuz Levres told me you guys fuck all the time
Wilson (4:28:59 PM): oh
Wilson (4:29:00 PM): ahaahah
Wilson (4:29:18 PM): I dont think there's a requisite for good looks for two people to fuck constantly, though :-)
sphinx1672 (4:29:41 PM): i'm telling Levres you think she's a dog
Wilson (4:29:53 PM): no
Wilson (4:30:01 PM): she's got all the looks for the two of us
sphinx1672 (4:30:01 PM): yesssssssss
sphinx1672 (4:30:13 PM): that says nothing
sphinx1672 (4:30:16 PM): oops
sphinx1672 (4:30:19 PM): sorry
sphinx1672 (4:30:30 PM): i don't like Levres
Wilson (4:30:38 PM): ok
sphinx1672 (4:30:44 PM): sorry
Wilson (4:30:49 PM): That's fine
sphinx1672 (4:31:00 PM): you really think she's hot? i'm hotter
Wilson (4:31:28 PM): I dont know who you are, though
Wilson (4:31:36 PM): but, yes, I like Levres very much
sphinx1672 (4:31:55 PM): ok i'm warning you
Wilson (4:32:04 PM): excellent
sphinx1672 (4:32:34 PM): what????????????

At this point I warned them up to 40% and blocked them. Then lovely AIM decides to shit the bed, and lose my local buddy list... So when I finally reboot my piece of shit computer, I get this lovely message:

sphinx1672 (6:13:43 PM): hey...Wilson.... that was not me and you knew it... that was a girl named april.. so that went on my record so if you do it again you will have to surgically remove my hand from your throat thank you for your cooperation and this is john offense but it pissed me off that you knew it was my screen name
Auto response from Wilson (6:13:43 PM): You should make a point of trying every experience once -- except incest and folk-dancing. -- A. Bax, "Farewell My Youth"
sphinx1672 signed off at 6:19:49 PM.

Gah.. Like I need this.. Eat my shit you fucking whores...

This brings me to the last part of my rant for today... I FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHAT HRTA STUDENTS DO! See.. Hotel Resturant Travel Administration is some big major here at UMass.. According to this paper that I "found" in the trash bin in the printout room here at school, anyhow. I guess we're ranked number 4, or whatever. The final paper assignment for this class is to write a paper on Objections and How to Deal With It (I swear to god, that's the title). Anyhow, it gets better. I guess the whole point of this final paper was to write up how someone should go about convincing someone of something they are unsure of, and deal with their questions and fears. The last paragraph, In my opinion is the funniest.. here it goes:

Objection #3: Company's image Bob's mom: "Gigi, I hear many stories about a Umass being party schoool where students smoke pots and students being raped. How could you explain all those to me?" Gigi: "Mrs. Kee, if I was to let my first son live on his own for the first time, I will worry too. But try to imagine a city fill with people, there are many that will party and sadly, many that is rapes daily. Umass being such big school, being like city on it own, is very hard to prevent things like these from happen. But we still do, we provide secort service since 4pm to 4am in the morning for any students that need to go around campus during the night. Last time there were rapes, students were provided with personal alarm just in case if you are in trouble. So, we do try our best to prevent anything unpleasant from happen. (Compensation). So, the Umass tour will end here Bob and Mrs. Kee. Hope that you will have a good day."

I don't know about you guys, but I'm fucking sold... By the way, this is HRTA 381.. a JUNIOR LEVEL course. Being CompSci makes me want me to shoot myself in the face already, then I read this fucking TWO PAGE FINAL PAPER, and I really have to think about getting an appointment for a gun license... MEH.

Thats all I've got for now. Later kids.


PS. Dont bitch at me about the color in my tables.. The fucking HORRIBLE html that was generated took the colors of black, white, blue and red.. I didnt have many choices for a background. MEH.

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