Those Times

In category:Misc
Post by:Calliander

To demonstrate the cold theory, the show a brand new 1952 Chevrolet driving apparently in northern Alaska, because it is being driven by eskimos, in full fur dress and hoods, who are waving to more eskimos dressed in the same fashion, and drawing the attention of yet another eskimo crawling out from an igloo. Did people really think that's what went on in Alaska in 1956? Eskimos would go hunt an elk for 3 days, skin and tan it's hide, then decide to crawl out of their igloo to go for a quick spin in their new Chevrolet? Then, to make things even more uncomfortable stereotypical, so show how it would work in hot temperatures, there is the same brand new 1952 Chevrolet with it's top down somewhere in the Middle East. The car is being driven and uccupied by several Arabs, all of them in traditional Middle Eastern dress, turban and cartoonish moustache and all. And once again, waving to a gentleman wearing a jockey's cap piloting a camel with a number on the side of it across the desert dunes.

You're right, that's hideously ignorant and old-fashioned.

We all know that today's Eskimos prefer H2's and that Arabs today wear the same clothes that we do. They would also be waving at a man in a taxi in New York City, too.


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