This Summer...

In category:Leisure
Post by:LioConvoy

Hey all... Look, I wanna break something to the crew. For me, and a lot of people on this board, this upcoming one will be the last summer vacation we ever have. I will be attending Penn State next summer to make up an extra semester, and after that I have to get a good job to help pay my financial aid. I was talking about this with Stone the other night and we came up with a conclusion.

What I propose is that we propose one group activity that we've always wanted to do, and garaunteed this summer we will do it. For instance... I would like to go camping, or maybe a group trip to the medieval fair. What would you guys like to do. Maybe you'd like to have a big old picnic, or maybe go out on one of those huge bluefishing boats in Mystic. Maybe you'd like to have a big old softball game? Who knows. But what I do know is that this summer is my last. I want to make it count for something. I want to have stories to tell my grandkids... don't you?

Till All Are One

LioConvoy out...

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