this network sucks my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In category:Misc
Post by:arcee

well for starters, wilson im sorry about your fiasco, although i apologize, i

cant relate. just remember that you're damn sexy. oh and i wanted to know since

my counterpart=caniprokis, and your counterpart=pappy will not be around, would

you mind accompanying me to lioconvoys little shindig? ill drive!

ok and back to my rant.....i have recently noticed that the network connection

provided by my school sucks my white ass. i mean goddamn it, i cant even stay

on instant messenger for five minutes without it disconnecting. and jesus! i

cant even get online to find my assignments until like twenty minutes before

class. for some strange reason, which is beyond me maybe because i know nothing

about computers, there is no problem getting on from about 1-6 in the morning,

other than that it is a royal pain in my ass. ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh by the way.....where the hell are you caniprokis?!! ok i guess im done.

oh wait, no im not, gatekeeper as far as im concerned were done with this

argument. i still feel that you tend towards the overtly sexist side, but hey

whatever, im over it. later

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