This is the United States calling, are we reaching Mr. Floyd?

In category:Misc
Post by:FlyingTim

A couple responses.

Gatekeeper, it's spam. You're not that popular.

Secondly, Levres, a few things. YOu don't have to listen to me, and I'd be willing to bet that you don't give a rat's ass what I have to say. But I'm a observer, just an unjaded third party. This is what I think. You need to stop apologizing. It makes what you say seem unreliable, I don't want to say lies, but you should be able to stand behind what you say. I never told you to not post about your sex life, It's just not something I would do. Which isn't to say that it shouldn't be done. It was only my opinion. And don't let Gatekeeper push you around. I'm gonna tell you a secret: He drives a powder blue Cadillac with a white Ragtop. Can you take a man like that seriously? I don't think so.

Don't stop posting. If Wilson wasn't happy with that post, well, you learned something from it. If you make a mistake, don't shrink away with your tail between your legs. So you fucked up. Big fucking deal. If you burn your hand on a stove burner, you say, Gee, I guess I won't ever do that again. But you don't stop using the stove. (English majors are good at analogies, aren't we?) And no, I don't know you. So I wasn't responding to kind of person I think you are, I was responding to your post, which is all I have to go by. That's all. If that's what you're going to post, then stand behind it. If someone tells you to shut the fuck up, don't say, yeah, I'm sorry I ever opened my mouth. Say Fuck you, I'll shut the fuck up when I'm good and ready. Hang around with Pappy, and learn how to hurl insults, such as, "You should have been caught in the end of a condom, you worthless piece of shit. I hope you get ass fucked by a plunger (the fat part, not the handle) every day for the rest of your life. Die." Not only does it put a smile on your face, but it puts that asshole in his place.

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